
Tabiran Olympics Voting Booth - Tennis

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Alright, it's that time again! Our tennis round is now over meaning it's time to vote for the best pieces! Remember, you can vote even if you didn't participate in this particular event, so long as you are in at least one event. Voting will last until the 22nd of October, and on the 23rd submissions will open for soccer!

The events submitted thus far are as follows:

:iconzassa2:'s event! Tabiran Olympics - Tennis

:iconslycloudfox:'s event! Tabiran Olympics Tennis Event

:iconsnowbound-becca:'s event! ToT Olympics - Round 2

:iconwedward45:'s event! ToT Olympics: Tennis

May the best contender win!

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p101's avatar
Not entirely sure if my votes will count, but I'll give them anyways!

1. Slycoud's Tabiran Olympics Tennis Event
2. wedward45's ToT Olympics: Tennis
3. And Zassa2's Tabiran Olympics - Tennis

As fun and amazing as Becca's submission was, and I love it dearly, I think I should give other members a chance, since i think you guys did fantastically and deserve to be noticed for it.^^