
Tabiran Olympics - Discus

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Zassa2's avatar

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EDIT: I made an error with the due and voting dates. Due date is the 15th, and voting goes from December 16th-17th. Disregard the dates below. Sorry about the confusion.

Once again, sorry for how late the voting booth was, but nevermind that because the votes are in!

:iconslycloudfox:'s entry! 4 votes!
:iconspartan-771:'s entry! 2 votes!

Congrats on that, both entries were really good. But now it's time for the next event, the discus throw! Let's see who will be competing this time around:

Ray(:iconzassa2:), Akino(:icontinytank138:), David(:iconwedward45:), Lin Lin(:iconsnowbound-becca:), Rufus(:iconslycloudfox:)

This should be pretty fun, so let's give it our all everyone!

Submissions will be due on the 22nd, with voting up to Christmas Eve. Hopefully there won't be too much conflict of scheduling with all that, as I know lots of people are super busy around this time of year. Remember, it's important to enjoy life as well! I hope you all have some wonderful holiday fun with friends and family.
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