
Tabiran Olympics - 100 Meter Sprint

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Zassa2's avatar

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It's time to tally the votes for soccer!

:icontinytank138:'s entry received 6 votes!
:iconzassa2:'s entry received 0 votes!
:iconp101:'s entry received 6 votes!
:iconsnowbound-becca:'s entry received 3 votes!
:iconslycloudfox:'s entry received 3 votes!
:iconspartan-771:'s entry received 3 votes!

We've got a whole bunch of ties this time around. Y'all are going to have to solve that amongst yourselves. Use whatever methods you need to reach a decision and notify me once you're done. Hmm, we still have to deal with the tie from last time...

On to the next piece of business then!

Alrighty everyone! It's time for the biggest event in the Tabiran Olympics! The 100 meter sprint! You know the drill by now. Let's meet the contenders.

Horace + Ray(:iconzassa2:), Chip(:iconspotblur:), Acacia(:icontinytank138:), David(:iconwedward45:), Sasha(:iconspartan-771:), Penelope(:iconsnowbound-becca:), Cecil + Clyde + Aria + Maple(:iconslycloudfox:), Rubellite + Anthony(:iconpokefantony:)

This one goes to the 17th, so good luck and have fun!
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Slycloudfox's avatar
Aw man.. I feel sorry for you. You didn't get to have any vote. Wish I have voted for you. My entry was just a sketch though and didn't have that much effort compare to anyone else yet it get 3 vote.. It should have gone to you instead. :(