
Operation: Worst Date Ever - Epilogue

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   Later that night, Horace was sitting in his living room, studying his sheet music. It was the same song he had played for Riley, both during their spar and on their date. It’s designed to put them to sleep quickly, and yet the first time she resisted it, and the second time she didn’t even grow drowsy. Which means perhaps…

   “Hey, Gary! Ray! Could you two come here for a sec?” Horace called. His teammates came quickly. “Wh-what’s up, Horace?” Gary asked. “I just want to test something.” Horace responded. Ray shrugged. “Well, fire away.”

   Horace pressed his lips to his Grass Whistle and began to play. He could feel the power surging through him as he played. Almost immediately after he finished, both Gary and Ray collapsed to the floor like sacks of potatoes, sound asleep.

   Hmm, so it worked on them… Which means…

   Magic users can resist my own magic.
Ok, so I was planning to save this reveal until towards the end of Chapter 2, but I've been so unmotivated to vanish the intermission and this just seemed like a perfect opportunity. I've been sort of hinting towards it, or at least trying to, but so far no one figured it out, so at least I didn't make it super obvious.

I'm going to explain a lot of this later, don't worry, but for now I think I'll let it simmer.

You can find :iconspotblur:'s epilogue over here, check it out! It's pretty cool.
© 2017 - 2024 Zassa2
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SpotBlur's avatar
Horace is a witch!? Now this is certainly an interesting and unexpected development. I wonder what his abilities are. Does make his moves stronger? Perhaps he has music magic that changes affects reality based on what song he plays (chaotic song makes chaotic wind, sleepy song puts people to sleep, encouraging song grants renewed courage, ect.)? Is Horace actually just a normal Pokemon with a magic flute? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out :)

Coincidentally, magic users being able to resist magical abilities is a subject that will be mentioned in Team Courage's next story ;)

Just out of curiosity, how strong is Horace's magic? I've been trying to remain consistent with her being able to sense witches, but the fact that she didn't sense Horace means that I should probably make a reason that why she couldn't. My headcanon is that users who are weak or unskilled (like Molly and Riley) are hard to sense due to there being very little magic to sense in the first place, while users who are strong or skilled (such as Morgan and the mysterious Eevee in Mosswood Medical Center) are easy to sense. However, I also figure that all witches can learn to hide their magic from other witches (Morgan assumed this was the reason she was having trouble sensing Riley's magic, though the real reason was that Riley really is that unskilled).

Of course, if the flute is magic and Horace isn't, then it'd make sense why she couldn't sense him. After all, her magic only knows how to detect people with magic, not objects with magic.