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A Good Boy



I've been looking for an excuse to draw :iconsnowbound-becca:'s Birch for a while now, partly as a sort of thank-you for inspiring me to join Tales of Tabira, partly because he's just so adorable!

Anyway, I was looking at her picture of him dressed as Link(which is just so god-damn cute!) and a friend of mine made a comment that made me think of Tobi, and I spent most of today with the image of Birch wearing the mask. I just had to draw it.

I screwed up the Lotus, I know, and the colors could be a bit better(a friend of mine wore down most of my colored pencils and I haven't had the chance to sharpen them yet today), but hey, I think it went well for my first time drawing a Phantump. Better than most of my other drawings, anyway. XD

I also tried out a different design with a black cloak, and the band around the head, and a full oval mask, and some other changes, but I like this one better so I kept it. Also, the other one was posed with his arms out and up, and the cloak just looked so weird, and everything was very dark, which just looked bad and doesn't fit with Birch at all. So this one is the one that looked better in photo.

Anyway, I hope you like him Becca! If anything happens to the Link costume, he's at least got a backup. :)
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