Hi, my name is Kellen. A lot of the art I do on here is Pokémon related stuff, whether it be Nuzlockes or groups stuff. If you enjoy these kinds of things, please do stay tuned for it! If you know any fun groups, send me that way! I'd love to join some of them!
I have a VERY powerful imagination. There's a lot of random crap stored up in my brain, and I figured drawing was a way to get some of it out. Some of the things I came up with/drew I liked so I thought maybe it would be fun to post them online, share them with others, ya know? I'm not very good at drawing, it's mostly doodles, but I do try my best for the stuff I post to look good. And even though most of what I draw is from my own brain, I guess I can take requests from anyone who has an idea for me, though it's probably best to ask someone with talent. ^_^
Favourite Visual Artist
Does Monty Python count?
Favourite Movies
Anything that makes me laugh.
Favourite TV Shows
See favorite movies.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Blue Oyster Cult.
Favourite Books
Lots of action stories based around a slightly medieval society. There's kind of a theme.
Favourite Writers
Rick Riordan, J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkein, George R. R. Martin, etc.
Favourite Games
Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Mario Kart Wii, Unturned, Town of Salem, any Halo game, and plenty more!
Favourite Gaming Platform
My PC, my Xbox, and my Wii. Fun stuff.
Tools of the Trade
My trusty pencil and paper! And of course a good eraser and sharpener. I also use MS Paint.
Other Interests
Reading, gaming, sleeping, watching Youtube videos, browsing DA, and the history of warfare.