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A few people have wondered how Gaster and Alphys met in Handplates, and there are so many ways it could've gone down, it's hard to pick just one, haha. One in particular I like involves Alphys coming up to Gaster after a talk he gives at a conference or something he’s at, and on finding out who she is, he tells her how impressed he is by her work and she gets very flustered, haha. But they could’ve met in the dump while looking for human tech, through cross-referencing each other’s work in their papers, when assigned to the same research group for a particular problem, the list goes on.
That said, I also find the image of them being awkward losers that Asgore has to teach how to be friends with each other a la that one episode of Gumball with the imaginary friend amusing, haha.
Asgore, Gaster, Alphys (c) Undertale: you're really smart but sometimes you can be a bit of an awkward sausage
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Yeeeees Gumball reference