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zarla's avatar

Let my beard comfort you


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More mercy adventures as babies! Well, plus a few years. Got your work cut out for you.

Gaster signing with his actual hands for a change of pace, haha.


Edit - Check out Jamadubs' dub! (Spanish)

Hungarian translation!
Chinese translation!
German translation!
Spanish translation!

Gaster, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus (c) Undertale: lion and bear pajamas
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540x3220px 800.26 KB
© 2018 - 2024 zarla
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HognoseRose's avatar

I remember hearing that children who grow up in un-loving families or traumatizing situations sometimes don't develop empathy or understand love, as they have never experienced it. that or Gaster is just like this naturally.

Good or bad, I have a deep interest in characters that don't experience empathy. the good ones are even more interesting though, as they try to do good but don't have any natural indication of what "good" is, And need some other method of figuring it out.