In an isolated systemzarla on DeviantArt

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In an isolated system

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"...entropy can only increase." - [x]

Since Gaster pushed Papyrus away as soon as he was awake again back when he almost died, Papyrus didn't actually manage to heal him very much. Gaster's HP has been very low for a while. He didn't do anything about it for various reasons (shame, paranoia, self-hatred, fearing emotional intimacy, etc) and he's likewise resistant to healing here for similar reasons. He's currently very fragile in a lot of ways. Everything is cracking.

Goatdad dads you. I got sick of Asgore's giant shoulderguards blocking every shot so he's wearing something more casual today, haha. It's unusual to have two people in on the same heal but mostly I wanted to draw shadow Alphys, shh. They can tell something's up when they try to heal him, but they don't know what it is.

The bones Gaster calls up are non-damaging, he just wanted to startle Asgore enough to let him go. He didn't sign for his last few lines, so the two of them have no idea what he said.

It was refreshing to do such a colorful one for once. The next one's going to be long again uuuughhh


Edit - Check out Jamadubs' dub! (Spanish)
And Starbot's!
And Adrixx Ontis's! (Spanish)
And Phoenix Prime's!
And Puzzle Channel's! (Russian)
And Solros's! (French)
And Frank Hyuga's! (Spanish)

Flag of Hungary by EmilyStor3 Magyar
Flag of Mexico by EmilyStor3 Español
Flag of Brazil by EmilyStor3 Português do Brasil
Flag of Germany by EmilyStor3 Deutsch

Asgore, Alphys, Gaster (c) Undertale: way to punch a hole in his emotional walls, papyrus
Image size
540x6554px 2.57 MB
© 2017 - 2025 zarla
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mon4mi's avatar

i do feel bad for gaster cause i understand his desire to free his people, doesnr justify what he does, of course it doesnt, he knows that himself.