Delicious creamy centerzarla on DeviantArt

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Delicious creamy center



A Patreon request! This one was specifically for a Mercy scenario where Gaster took them out as babies and tried to raise them as normally as he could, meaning everyone is mostly trauma-free. To an extent. Anyway! They wanted Sans and Gaster having a positive interaction and connecting about something, haha. While the two of them both enjoy science and learning things, they also both like candy and sweets as well. I'd figure finding some human candy would be an exciting treat for monsters, haha.


Sans, Gaster (c) Undertale: Papyrus off to one-side just >:1, so unhealthy

Image size
540x810px 188.78 KB
© 2020 - 2025 zarla
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I was trying to remember what kind of candy has a creamy middle and I sat for like 2 minutes trying to think, and then I just yelled twinkies.. it's midnight 🤣🤣