By :iconjackasshedgehog:1. Do you like animals?
Yes, with barbecue saus2. Have you ever met an online friend in person?
It depend if those friend came to our show...3. Are you athletic?
Yes, we are the best ! :d4. Are you: thin, fat, athletically built etc
Everything that girls like, we are...5. How much do you weigh?
All togethers ?6. What's your height?
SuperSeb, with his new show drumkit can reach 20m177. Shoe size?
bettween 9.5 and 129. What are you?
Hedgehogs, Lynx, Cameleon, Lion, Cat10. How old are you?
old enouth to go on tour without our parent's authorisation11. When is your birthday?
Don't need a birthday to start the party !12....