Zane-the-Foxwolf on DeviantArt

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Zane-the-Foxwolf's avatar

Rock, Snap



This is a sketch I had time to squeeze in during all of the computer trouble I've had over Winter Break, which by the way is almost over. For Snap, whom I want to thank for waiting so long for my slowness. I wanted to do so much artwise over break, but everything just went completely out of whack. So yeah, yet ANOTHER sketch to add to this boring colorless gallery of mine. Hope you all like.
... God, this would look so much better if I'd colored it. -_-#
By the way, my computer is still busted. I'm submitting this from my Dad's computer which he doesn't know I put Photoshop on his computer. >.> Not sure if he'd mind or not, but I'm not gonna keep it on here.
..... Long story. ¬_¬
Image size
922x860px 90.8 KB
© 2007 - 2024 Zane-the-Foxwolf
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Kraden's avatar
Wow Jan 6 and I only get to it now *le sigh*

Goggles and ear stud for the absolute win dude :XD: