Alternative map of Westeros (Game of Thrones)ZalringDA on DeviantArt

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Alternative map of Westeros (Game of Thrones)



What if Robb Stark was not only a bright commander, but a great king too ?
What if he finally got married with a Frey ?

This map describes the possible consequences of this wise decision...

Main events :
- Surprisingly, even if he's outnumbered, Robb Stark manages to win every battle and has the continuous respect of all his bannermen.
- Petyr Baelish decides to adapt his plan and seizes the opportunity to weaken the Iron Throne by engaging him (and the Vale of Lysa Arryn of course...) with the North.
- Audacious movements have given Robb Stark the control of almost all the Westerlands. Having misled the Tyrell and Lannister forces, he takes advantage of this situation by besieging King's Landing with his new ally.
- After the fall of the capital, Cercei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon are executed and the Lannister have to surrender. The independence of the North and the Vale are recognised. Ice and Sansa Stark are returned. The North takes a large part of the Westerlands to make a march for the Riverlands defense, and the region of Harrenhal (belonging to Baelish) joins the Vale. Tommen Baratheon becomes the new king of the Iron Throne.
- Robb Stark has now to recapture the North. The Iron Islands are quickly and harshly defeated and invaded. Their territories are given to Edmure Tully (and Asha Greyjoy is forced to marry to him), to offset the loss of the eastern Riverlands.
- Petyr Bealish manages to kill Lysa Arryn, his new wife, and to become the regent of the Vale. He manipulates the young Robert Arryn to get rid of all his enemies and rivals, and convinces him to make him the heir of the kingdom... After a while Robert dies in a mysterious accident, and Petyr Baelish becomes the new king of the Vale.
- Baelish has now the adequate rank to marry with Myrcella Baratheon whose betrothal to Trystan Martell has been broken since Dorne has joined the kingdom of New Valyria of Daenerys Targaryen, born on the ashes of the slave cities of Essos. Tywin Lannister, hand of the king, sees this marriage as an opportunity to bring the Vale back in the Iron Throne sphere of influence...
- Unfortunately, the king Tommen dies in an accident (...) shortly afterwards. The alliance with the Tyrell is now broken, and Mace Tyrell, who wants to be a king too, decides to take advantage of the weakness of the Iron Throne to declare the independence of the Reach.
- However, it was a risky bet, and he is finally beaten by the Iron Throne and the Vale. The old Tywin is ruthless : Most of the Tyrell are murdered, and Margaery is forced to marry to the dwarf, Tyrion Lannister.
- After his (natural) death, Tyrion becomes the new lord paramount of the Westerlands and the new hand of the queen.
- A dreadful event leads the kingdoms of Westeros (and the kingdom of New Valyria) to unite for a short while : Jon Snow, lord commander of the Night's Watch calls on them for their help. The army of the dead is about to cross the wall.
- The War against the Others is long and deadly. Nevertheless, the army of the living wins, and thanks to the Dragons and dragonglass, the White Walkers are exterminated.
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1800x2760px 11.7 MB
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InvictusInvictus's avatar

This is complete madness)