Marvelous MisadventuresZakeno on DeviantArt

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Marvelous Misadventures



Speedpaint: [link]

ARGH I am really upset this did not turn out like I was hoping. I partially blame the fact I had to rush this, since my bro had to go to some civil war reenactment and last night was NUTS for various reasons, none of which really involved me. xD; Except I couldn't sleep. And I watched Christmas specials in the middle of the night for 3 hours fhsfdhjdg


BUT YES FLAPJACK WE SHALL MISS YOU FOREVER. ;_____________; :heart::heart:

Flap got me into cartooning and out of sparkledogness. So you should thank MMoF. xD <333

I.... really don't have any more to say gndfjhd. I'm working on an animation though. It's at 300 frames about. Um. Hopefully I'll finish that around Tuesday or earlier.


MMoF (c) *thurop
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893x721px 538.85 KB
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Elecman2006's avatar

All the memories, I loved this show and I always will forever