DHF's Apocalypse 454Zacy-Rev-Shadows on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zacy-rev-shadows/art/DHF-s-Apocalypse-454-282219973Zacy-Rev-Shadows

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DHF's Apocalypse 454




Showname: DHF's Apocalypse 454
Barn name: Apollo
Age: 5 years
Gender: Stallion
Kaaring : docs.google.com/document/d/1kP…
Height: 155 cm
Color: Buttermilk Buckskin

Desing: 454 Nordanner Import
Discipline: training for western, does already 3day event

Sire: unknown
Owner: Zacy-Rev-Shadows

Personality: Very flashy stallion. He is very easy to handle, but he does know when you're not sure enough and the Apollo will make sure that you won't stay on his back for a long. That stally needs attention or he'll make some stupid things to get it.

---------- Breeding ----------

Bloodlines: Nordanner
Genetics: EE AA nCR nT
Possible Traits:

Open for stud/lease: Leasing for shows.
1. Reserved for GrazyChrist grazychrist.deviantart.com/art…
2. Reserved for BlueSpruceStables
3.Reserved for Nomezy93 spiritstables.deviantart.com/a…
4.Reserved for Myhorsephoenix myhorsephoenix.deviantart.com/…
5. Breeding trade with Nomezy93
6. Breeding with Nomezy93 Fairy Floss spiritstables.deviantart.com/a…
7.For DHF's
8.For DHF's

KEC’s Maiden of Rohan 347 DECEASED
DHF’s Mr. America 804
Uzume 814
GCS's Izabelle 831 fav.me/d4t49a6
1659 Draco fav.me/d641hrk
DHF's Tõnis 3474 fav.me/d5rvzyc
DHF’s Eyes of Pheonix 1648 fav.me/d5a5bh6

From Uzume 814
Leonardo 1231 fav.me/d4vp1k4
SOS Aldonza 890 fav.me/d4xqrdf
Seina 1210 fav.me/d6cxxq8 +2points
BLS Katana 2383 fav.me/d647qc8
ID 2326 BSS Crystal Meth fav.me/d6j9pac
Up In Smoke 3244 fav.me/d5qabz9
Legend 3245 fav.me/d5oiyjx
From GCS’s Izabelle 831

From Izabelle

3295 HighSchool DropOut ragnaroktherags.deviantart.com…

2251 PFS Calamity Jane phenixfyre.deviantart.com/art/…

#4574 RS The Blind Thief ennelya.deviantart.com/art/457…

From Uzume

Leonardo 1231 myhorsephoenix.deviantart.com/…

SOS Aldonza 890 blondeleafy.deviantart.com/art…

Seina 1210 dezzired.deviantart.com/art/Se…

2383 BLS Katana jumpingthestorm.deviantart.com…

2326 CMS WTR Crystal Meth ratimo.deviantart.com/art/2326…

Up In Smoke 3244  myhorsephoenix.deviantart.com/…

Legend 3245 myhorsephoenix.deviantart.com/…=gallery%3Amyhorsephoenix%2F41081657&qo=0

From Draco 1659
#2083 Zohar Kresmir fav.me/d60gh9o
Foal 2106
2145 KS Dreamers Often Lie fav.me/d66yiuh
2537 Desert Orchid DECEASED
2825 foal
From Leonardo 1231
Aquene 1652 fav.me/d5c1ss2
From Crystal Meth 2326
Eat My Dust 2929 fav.me/d5mp0i0
5220 CMS Hermaeus Mora fav.me/d6cv1zy
CMS Nahagliiv 4783 fav.me/d64qp98
3433 Vilja fav.me/d5rlxo6
3395 DKD Yesterday's Ashes fav.me/d5sdwpp

From Desert Orchid 2537
TFR Flower Power 2368 fav.me/d5o6h4l

From Up In Smoke 3244
GLS Thrift Shop #4000 fav.me/d5voafq
#3998 METS Mercedes fav.me/d5y7eco
4573 SNS Einmyria fav.me/d62zhnk
ESIA 4623 fav.me/d656y1e +2points
From Legend 3245
3551 BLS The Hobbit fav.me/d6ccrag
#4001 METS Prince of Persia fav.me/d5y0dsr
Danny 4577 fav.me/d67wjad
From #2083 Zohar Kresmir
4429 Hund's U Can't See Me fav.me/d62371t
5127 DWS Gaara fav.me/d6cwl13
5857 WF's Iris fav.me/d6jbq2g
WF's Hund's How Soon Is Now? 5151 fav.me/d69rnwb
5331 Hund's Sherlock Holmes fav.me/d6evw55

From Aquene 1652
S.C.A.V.A 2765 fav.me/d5lmb8j
From Eat My Dust 2929
Shoot To Thrill #5339 fav.me/d6is98q
#5344 HFS Fanta fav.me/d6htppf
5346 Hell's Bells fav.me/d6icoq1
From TFR Flower Power 2368
MDS Shooting Star 4317 fav.me/d5zzd9x
TFR Meteorite 4318 fav.me/d62hmzg
4722 PS Jinxing fav.me/d647ypu
4629 Paramour fav.me/d63ewnv
Rangoon 4645 fav.me/d64e5ty +3points
4785 Pandora's Soundless Symphonic fav.me/d6517k0

From Rangoon 4645
5290 AS Viviania fav.me/d6gcaxl
Aura's Björk 5313 fav.me/d6emqek
5350 WBS Trail Of A Hero fav.me/d6drpvc
Off With Her Head 5913 fav.me/d6jgasr
----------Point Stats----------

Conformation: (10) 15
Strength: (10) 25
Gaits: (10) 25
Courage: (10) 17
Intelligence: (10) 15
Stamina: (10) 15
Speed: (10) 20
Agility: (10) 40
Balance: (10) 20

Link to journal: fav.me/d6lrsv9


Nordanner Credits 2024
DHF's Apocalypse 454 (c) Zacy-Rev-Shadows
Art (c) Zacy-Rev-Shadows
Desing(c) Hathien603 hathien603.deviantart.com/art/…
Breed (c) BaliroAdmin

Image size
3000x3000px 1.81 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Zacy-Rev-Shadows
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Pooz18's avatar
Just wanted to send you the new link to 5331 Hund's Sherlock Holmes! I'm his new owner!! fav.me/d8zrmhg