a week full of stock VIII by mimose-stock, journal
a week full of stock VIII
sorry for my long absence :(,
but first I was ill :sick:,
then I was on my first LARP-convention :w00t:
and finally me and my hubby had weddingday and my grandparents had golden wedding.... :party:but now I've finally time to do another week full of stock::bigthumb379412347:
:thumb378444139: :thumb379093028: :thumb379060948:
:thumb378791057: :thumb378859509: :thumb378617515:
:thumb379764902: :thumb379412789:..........................:bigthumb378620209:
:thumb378360791: :thumb378351507:
:thumb378976307: :thumb378572776:..........................:bigthumb373778184:
:thumb378581713: :thumb379088991: :...