Water Colour Copic BrushesZachSano on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zachsano/art/Water-Colour-Copic-Brushes-145692409ZachSano

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ZachSano's avatar

Water Colour Copic Brushes



        To get the instructions, hit "Download" | To get the file 
        for the photoshop file, hit "Purchase" It is only 100 :points:

© 2009 - 2025 ZachSano
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Libberachi's avatar
Also, as long as I don't share with anyone, and/or give you a copy to sell at your discretion (it's obviously all up to you, as they're your brushes :) ), may I convert these to work with other programs such as GIMP (which these days is almost identical to Photoshop) or possibly Krita (which does some amazing brush-related stuff that Photoshop could only ever dream of, and is FREE), MediBang Paint (my fave sketching program at the moment, almost as awesome as Krita with the sheer amount of brush options & settings, and again, free - although you have to sign in to use it...), etc.? Of course, again, if you allow any, the limitations would be up to you. I would NOT change the brushes themselves (the bitmaps, and whatever else you'd like, *NOT* mucked with, should you allow them to be used at all), just basically convert them for use in other program(s) if you allow it.

And if you want, of course, if there's any sort of change beyond converting formats (like having to redo or remake a setting so it works in said program(s)), I would ask if you want before changing anything. Basically, I'd just be converting them and if there are ANY changes that need to be made, I'd keep things as close as humanly possible to the original.

Sorry for making such a long comment, I just wanted to let you know that I take your work & copyrights seriously. If you say no, well, that's that and I won't bother you anymore. Thanks for reading, though! I hope I didn't take up too much of your time.