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Black Widow Redesign



Design I made for CBR Forums "Project CBRunway"

The challenge this time around was to create a "legacy character" for one of the Avengers. I was assigned Black Widow, and I think I did myself pretty good.

Basically, I asked myself what a new Black Widow would mean, and where her priorities would be in the sense of carrying on the mantel.

I figured that a new female hero on the field would mean a lot of proving ground to cover. She'd want to be taken seriously as a woman of skill, so gone are the plunging necklines and cleavage hanging everywhere. The way I drew it, I imagine this new Black Widow in a bio-suit; enhanced in all physical strengths and resistance. I also put a thermal jumpsuit over the whole thing, just to add another dimension of functionality.

Image size
550x800px 243.97 KB
© 2010 - 2024 zacharyxbinks
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GalindatheGiddy's avatar
Ooooh! Love it! I can see her wearing this. Kind of Deadpool style, but it has 'Black Widow' written all over it! Great job!