Commissions! :D

15 min read

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Commission status is CLOSED.
Wow, that filled up really fast. It only took 36 hours for the list to get full ^^; I will open again sometime in March.
Thanks for being patient!

:star: General Commission Info

If you are interested in a commission, please send me a note with the title "Commission" and the following info in the following format:

The Required parts must be filled out for me to give you a price estimate. If you want to see an example of how much each type costs, please scroll to the bottom for samples.

The Optional parts can be filled out for specific requirements or left blank. If you leave something blank, then I will draw whatever I believe looks best.

:bulletyellow:Type: Required (colored lineart, B&W shaded lineart, painting)
:bulletyellow:Subject: Required (2 humans, 1 wolf, 4 fish, landscape, etc)
:bulletyellow:Amount: Required (headshot, bust, waist, fullbody)
:bulletyellow:Background: Required (Blank, transparent, black, in a forest, in a room, on a chair, etc)
:bulletyellow:Pose and expression: Optional (Standing, sitting, profile, smiling, angry, crying etc) You can also choose a head angle out of these Head Perspective Chart by yuumei
:bulletyellow:Atmosphere/theme: Optional (Cheerful, oriental, dark, Victorian, romantic, etc)
:bulletyellow:Additional description and/or reference: Optional
:bulletyellow:Commercial use? Required (will you resale copies for profit? Yes or No)
:bulletyellow:Your Paypal account e-mail: Required (I can only accept payments in Paypal. No checks or cash. Sorry!)

If you plan to use the drawing for commercial sale or profit of any kind, you must tell me because I still hold the copyright of whatever I draw. The cost of the copy right varies depending on what you're using it for and how much copyright you want (like full rights to resale or partial rights to put in a commercial game etc)

Any additional details and references on what you would like the drawing to look like is welcomed but it's optional. Feel free to tell me anything you think I should know. Questions are welcomed :D

I will note you back with the price and you can accept or reject it, or we can find a compromise. Also, it appears that dA's note system doesn't 100% of the time so note me again if I don't get back to you in 3 days.

:star: Price Approximations

This is to give you a general feel of what the prices are per human character with examples of each, but remember the actual price won't be given until you've noted me with the specific details. In general, the lower price range for each type is a bust while the middle range is for waist, and upper range is for full body. Regular animals are around 3/4 the price of a human so if a human colored lineart is around $100, the wolf equivalent will be around $75. Exceptions are mythical creatures such as dragons or phoenix, which will be the same price as a human. Drawings that have multiple people or animals will cost more than drawings that only have one. Characters with a lot of details and complicated decorations will cost more than a character wearing a simple T-shirt. Detailed background prices varies greatly depending the complexity of the background. The pricing is pretty straight forward, the longer it takes to draw, the more it will cost.


:bulletyellow: Colored Lineart (free simple background included upon request) : $75-155

:bulletyellow: Colored Lineart with detailed background: $125-355

:bulletyellow: Painting (free simple background included upon request) : $85-300

:bulletyellow: Painting with detailed background: Currently unavailable (Sorry, but they take too long and I've personal projects to work on)

:star: Won'ts and Can'ts

:bulletyellow: I will not draw anything overtly sexual. Kissing and hugging is fine, but nothing rated R. I will not draw anything I consider unethical like animal cruelty. And this is a weird one but I will not draw human infants. I have a phobia of babies so... I can't stand drawing them... (but baby animals are fine).

:bulletyellow: I can't draw cars, mechas, or extremely muscular bodies like the Hulk. My gallery should give you a general feel of what I do and don't draw. If you really want me to, I can try, but I'm not the right person for that kind of stuff.

:bulletyellow: I can't draw anything other than digital art right now because I don't have my paints with me in the college apartment. Sculpture commissions are also unavailable at the moment.

:bulletyellow: Unfortunately, I am no longer taking large tattoo commissions. A small tattoo is fine like these: but NO back tattoos or arm sleeve tattoos. The problem is that the human body is not a flat surface and I can't accurately design a tattoo that wraps around your body without actually meeting you.

:bulletyellow: I am very liberal and not biased against most subjects so I DO draw yaoi, yuri, furries/anthro, basically anything that's not listed as won'ts and can'ts :)

:star: Commission Process

Once I've replied to you with a price and you've accept the price, please send the money to Paypal always charges a transaction fee unless you choose to send the money under the category of "gift" to friends and family. You don't have to do this but I would appreciate it since the fees do add up to a lot.

After the payment is processed, I will put you on the list of commissioners as seen below. I will work on the commissions in a first come/pay basis. You can cancel the commission anytime before you pay, but there will be no refund afterwards. You will receive a sketch preview of the drawing so you can tell me if you want any changes before I work on the details. After the drawing is complete, you will have another chance to request minor adjustments such as color and atmosphere, but nothing extreme like a different pose or additional stuff not mentioned before. Please remember that I can't read minds so unless you specifically tell me that you want something like a turtle in the background, I won't know it.

The entire process can take anywhere between a few days to a month depending on your spot on the wait list so if you want to have this ready by a specific date, please don't come to me at the last minute.

:star:Current Commissioners:star:

:bulletyellow: 1. heidi2524 completed
:bulletyellow: 2. Unibat completed
:bulletyellow: 3. Marimobara completed
:bulletyellow: 4. Sasori4Life completed
:bulletyellow: 5. fuckruffles completed
:bulletyellow: 6. Tales-of-Tao completed
:bulletyellow: 7. Sweetie-The-Pi completed
:bulletyellow: 8. DP-BLUE completed
:bulletyellow: 9. kolvgaza
:bulletyellow: 10. SirJustin completed
:bulletyellow: 11 shayDarcy completed

Thank You!

© 2008 - 2024 yuumei
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I love the angel and devil wings. I'd like a set of my own , but I want them for a back tattoo. The wings I'd like to use should be folded down. I want them to run from the top of my shoulder to my waist. Any info you can send me will be extremely appreciated.