yuumei on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yuumei/art/Through-the-Distorted-Lens-607508774yuumei

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Through the Distorted Lens


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Robin from Fisheye Placebo looking melancholic in the city night. I wanted her eyes to resemble the fisheye lens of her camera. Many people think photography objectively captures reality, but that couldn't further from the truth. A photographer can only capture the reality he/she chooses to see through. The types of lenses used, what's included vs excluded in the photo, camera settings, and countless other things can alter the feeling a photo gives off, and thus reinterpreting the reality seen through the lens.

Feel and Conquer by yuumeiWhat It Takes To Fly by yuumeiRe-Imagine by yuumeiThe Sky Beneath My Feet by yuumeiDread by yuumei
Image size
1500x750px 1.09 MB
© 2016 - 2024 yuumei
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babuOO's avatar

trying to read the emotion that it give. vivid and Warm hair color what grows from her being within her mind colors behind its eyes, like wanting to capture the beauty-nest of a soul to protect it love it. like saying the beauty it in the eye of the true love of the observer that comprehend you like no body else.  love compassion and love its the hope to preserver of the goodness of humanity soul.