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A scene from Fisheye Placebo.
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This image was inspired by a free Breadley Manning protest I participated in. We were a small group of about 20-30 peaceful protesters met by an overkill of riot police. We dissipated peacefully to avoid arrest but the image of facing against a roll of riot police remained in my mind.
For those not familiar with Bradley Manning, he was the one who leaked the Collateral Murder video to Wikileaks. The video details the slaughter of innocent Iraqi civilians and journalists by American soldiers. Amongst the injured were 2 children whose father was killed. When the journalists' families asked about how they were killed, they were lied to. For revealing the true casualties of war, Manning was put into solitary confinement and tortured without trial. Learn more and support the cause at
Image size
1500x900px 1.14 MB
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