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Daily Deviation

1. Click on the green arrow download button on the right side of the dA page,
2. Or change to a different browser (like Firefox),
3. Or update your Flash player at
4. Or right click with you mouse, then select “ play ”, but you might have to do this with every page.
Chapter 1 Bonus

Chapter 2

Translations to other languages can be viewed here

If you are interested in translating Knite, please read this… Thank you!
I’ll post a few pages of the scriptless jpeg version onto dA everyday until the next chapter comes out. I was able to finish Ch1 in roughly a month over winter break but I'll need to slow down now that I’m back at college and I have to work on commissions to pay for college XD

Everything was drawn in Paint tool SAI, the textures were added in Photoshop, and the comic was put together in Macromedia Flash.
PS If you haven't already, you can also read my first one shot comic

A cool story.
At first i thought, it´s about a magical way to fight with kites, but also very cool
For all, who wants to read the story now:
You can download it with the arrow next to the red jewel-icon.
Than download the adobe debugger here:
Run the debugger and you can load and read the story in it´s window.
Here is how you can have your own kite with lights:
The LED-technique is now far enough to have small battery powered cords of tiny LED-lights.
The heaviest part of the whole thing is the battery-pack with the on-off-switch.
so drill two holes into the plastic-case of the battery-pack and attach your kite-string there.
With five or six LED-cords attached to the kite-string this way, it will look very similar to the pictures in the story.
I have got my self such a little LED-cord.
At my one the LEDs are covered in purple transparent plastic butterflies with about 1 cm wingspan.