yuumei on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yuumei/art/Caged-Heart-591804822yuumei

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Caged Heart



The boundless sky mocks me
Come out and play
In this vast beauty
Don't you want to spread your waxen wings?
And test the limits of high you can fly
Until you soar too close to the sun
And plummet back down
Into the shelter of your cages
Tending the wounds
And dreaming
Of the next escape


Everything in life is a risk. Between the fear of being hurt again, and the exhilaration of living life to the fullest; the highs and the lows, is worth it? I want to walk down the path of least regret.

I painted this one in a slightly different style, with a more painterly look with more Photoshop brushes instead of the usual paint tool SAI. I'll be posting a video recording of it soon! :D

In other news, I'll be at Anime Destiny this Sunday 2/21/2016 at the UC Berkeley Campus. It's a tiny 1 day con hosted by my university's anime club, and I always loved going there for nostalgia. It’s great to see all my college friends there and to make new friends as well. I'll be in the artist alley as usual and I hope to see you there! More info about the con calanimedestiny.com/

Rain on My Sunshine by yuumeiFeel and Conquer by yuumeiWhat It Takes To Fly by yuumeiRe-Imagine by yuumeiDread by yuumei
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p3rsh1ng's avatar

Just wait 'til the bird tries to peck ist way out. That's gonna hurt.