Better Tomorrowyuumei on DeviantArt

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December 22, 2017
Better Tomorrow by yuumei
Featured by lovelessdevotions
Suggested by Kida-neechan
yuumei's avatar

Better Tomorrow

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Even when the world is filled with sorrow
I will keep painting for that better tomorrow
A repaint of my 2009 drawing, Hope and Despair. Some people have mentioned how this new version feels more hopeful than the original. I feel that way too. I've been very happy these days, and it feels like everything will be alright again :)

Thank you again to everyone who reached out and supported me when I was feeling down during the beginning of this year. I've been working on a lot of different projects, and I'm excited to share with everyone when things are ready!

Here's the video tutorial of how this was created by integrating 3D backgrounds and you can get a print of this on my online shop at

Feel and Conquer by yuumeiWhat It Takes To Fly by yuumeiRe-Imagine by yuumeiThe Sky Beneath My Feet by yuumeiBoundless by yuumei
Image size
2000x921px 1.83 MB
© 2016 - 2025 yuumei
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flamespeedy's avatar

my biggest fear is never getting to experience nature fields etc again