Axent Wear Updateyuumei on DeviantArt

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yuumei's avatar

Axent Wear Update



Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven’t been posting a lot of new drawings lately. As many of you know, I’ve been very busy working on these cat ear headphones (

It’s my first time taking on a project of this nature and size, and it has been both absolutely amazing as well as overwhelmingly stressful. Both my co-founder and I have been dealing with new challenges that we never expected to experience. We have made first time mistakes and we are working things through. I hope everyone will be supportive and understanding of our situation as my co-founder and I resolve our differences peacefully.

In the mean time, I have been interviewing various product designers, audio engineers, and manufacturing experts in preparation for making the headphones a reality. I’m in close contact with a number of successful Silicon Valley consumer electronics executives and ready to ramp up to production and delivery as soon as I work out a few things with my co-founder.

Delivering these headphones remains my duty to the Axent Wear backers and my followers who have supported me for more than a decade. Thank you all so much for your continued patience, understanding, and support.

Followup Update as of 4/20/2015

Image size
750x938px 261.18 KB
© 2015 - 2025 yuumei
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Unrai's avatar
You didnt tell us this girl would be in an actual anime!!!