At The Crossroadsyuumei on DeviantArt

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At The Crossroads

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I haven’t been posting much lately because I am traveling/working in Japan at the moment! :D I’m still working with my team to make Fisheye Placebo and the new Knite, but at the same time exploring new techniques and a new country.

I was inspired by Makoto Shinkai’s beautiful work, and how he uses photography as a base for his paintings. So for this one, my bf took a photo of a crossroad in Japan which I was able to use as a base to paint over. I’m still fine tuning this technique and I’ll make a tutorial for it in the future :D

Better Tomorrow by yuumeiFeel and Conquer by yuumeiIn Your Memeory by yuumeiThe Sky Beneath My Feet by yuumeiBoundless by yuumei

Image size
2000x1273px 3.16 MB
© 2016 - 2025 yuumei
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SeththeEMDsd40's avatar

This could make a great wallpaper