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Yuujin's avatar

The Emperor



Yet again be happy my humble admirers of Tarot Serie, cause here you go - a new pic in a serie :excited:

Continuing Tarot Card serie.
"04: The Emperor"

A card of power, desires, rules above all. I had a clear idea from very begining of how to depict the emperor. He matters not. He gets everything he wants. He's above all because he is the law.

Actually I'm a bit sad that the sketch I made looked a bit better than the final result. In some point of view now it looks like he's raping a dead man. But it shouldn't be so (although the idea is interesting and grotesque aswell ^^; ). And also he looks handless, but originally I imagined his hands in front of him... Hmmm maybe I will redraw exact same picture with same idea till it pleases me. In this one I am only pleased with his look in his eye, hair color and back coloring. Too bad when you are so strict to yourself and sooo critique :D

Anyway I still hope you'll like it, enjoy and feel free to comment and critique cause it will surely help for my future better improvement :nod:

By the way, it's my first yaoi-themed picture ever, yay! :dance:

Media: letraset's promarkers and tria markers

Other Tarot Cards: [link] [link] [link] [link]
Tarot serie idea and progress bar: [link]
Image size
3482x4898px 16.3 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Yuujin
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Chaosfive-55's avatar
I knew you hadn't forgotten about this project!!!:D