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Yuujin's avatar




"11: Strength"

Strength is a Major Arcana Tarot card, and is numbered either XI or VIII, depending on the deck. Historically it was called Fortitude, and in the Thoth Tarot deck it is called Lust.

Originally featured a person, either male or female, subduing a lion. In my version thhere is a male and there is a lion... only the slight difference - the male wears a mask of a lion.

The modern interpretation of the card stresses discipline and control. Do you feel the power?

I hope you do :)

Media: letraset's promarkers and tria markers

PS.: if you wonder about the proportions of torso, yes, i know, I've checked the anatomy book, it's made on purpose in this way ;p

Other Tarot Cards: [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]
Tarot serie idea and progress bar: [link]
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Snake-Spirit's avatar
very good!! i can't believe that you did this in traditional art!!!