Contest Winning LyraYunalicia on DeviantArt

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Contest Winning Lyra



I'm doing this from my phone so hopefully this works. I forgot to take a pic of Lyra before I gave her away to my watcher giveaway winner so I snapped this before jumping on the bus. I shrank the eye file by about 1/2 an inch and I think I like the proportion better this way.

EDIT: Don't upload art from your phone. It's a pain to try and type a description :S
So the person who won my watcher giveaway back in May was ~Akamu5454 :iconakamu5454: and as luck would have it, he's actually in my local Brony group :D So we went to see Equestria Girls today at 12:30p and I was able to drop his Lyra off to him. EqG is actually a REALLY GOOD movie. All the usually people who worked on the show worked on the movie and you can tell. I highly recommend going to see it.
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3264x2448px 2.24 MB
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NicolasDominique's avatar
So damn awesome Lyra xd