Terminator T-800YulayDevlet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yulaydevlet/art/Terminator-T-800-126011170YulayDevlet

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YulayDevlet's avatar

Terminator T-800



I had this in my mind for sometime now, since I got very excited about the new movie... too bad it wasn't that goof but none the less, it was a terminator movie and it was better then the 3rd one.

Actually had some hard time since there aren't any "very clear" reference pictures for the terminator. Most pictures are heavily shadowed due to their surroundings. That's why I know there are some mistakes but I think I did it justice.

I am thinking of making a basic animation for it using flash (terminator going online kind of thing, very basic). As soon as I have some more free time I'll work on it.

Completely done using Illustrator except the signature which I realized it was missing very late =P
I hope you guys like it. I'd like to hear what you think.

After the details I've put on the T-600 there was something that was bothering me with this one so I've updated some shadows here and there. I think it looks better now.
Also I've updated the signature to a vector version. Now it's completely done in Illustrator =P
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1053x762px 114.01 KB
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