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I had a little inspiration and I had a free week, to create something.
And in the light of Season 6 ending, I wanted to make something, what shows the relationship between Chrysalis and Stinger.
So... this is chapter 1.5. Taking place between Descendants' first and second chapter.
Stinger's memories and the current situation around Chrysalis and the changelings.
I had a little inspiration and I had a free week, to create something.
And in the light of Season 6 ending, I wanted to make something, what shows the relationship between Chrysalis and Stinger.
So... this is chapter 1.5. Taking place between Descendants' first and second chapter.
Stinger's memories and the current situation around Chrysalis and the changelings.
Image size
2023x2775px 1.78 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Yula568
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I'm sure nopony would ever guess that password.