Weapon Box pack 2Yughues on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/yughues/art/Weapon-Box-pack-2-275216962Yughues

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Yughues's avatar

Weapon Box pack 2



EDIT : add a "mask" map for people who wants to customise the colored parts

Youtube : [link]

Other Packs : [link]

Commissions : [link]

3 new things :
- 2 new textures, camo jungle + camo desert
- updated specular map with the glow map inside the alpha channel (why ? 'cause Marmoset works like this and it's a really good idea =) )

1st pack : [link]
3rd pack: [link]

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year ! :thumbsup:;)
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spinagain's avatar
Great Job! If you added a mask for the painted areas, it would be even easier to customize in game. Just put it in one of the alpha slots for the diffuse.