Yrucrem91's avatar


World domination: done.
105 Watchers394 Deviations

Raccoons in the Night by Yrucrem91, literature

Lost Lambert by Yrucrem91, literature

Contemplative Identity by Yrucrem91, literature

Coyote's Fury And Failure by Yrucrem91, literature

Rainy Rooftop Short by Yrucrem91, literature

College Writing, Quiet by Yrucrem91, literature

See All

Raccoons in the Night by Yrucrem91, literature

Lost Lambert by Yrucrem91, literature

Contemplative Identity by Yrucrem91, literature

Coyote's Fury And Failure by Yrucrem91, literature

Rainy Rooftop Short by Yrucrem91, literature

College Writing, Quiet by Yrucrem91, literature

Artist // Student // Literature
  • Apr 13
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (429)
My Bio

Untitled by Linux User Stamp (large) by mnvulpin Open-Source Stamp by SuperGrouper
I am me. Mad scientist, swordsman, writer.

If you're coming to say "thanks for the fave", you're welcome. Poke me so I remember to peruse your entire gallery.

Give a llama and you'll get one in return!

I'm always looking for people to read my works and comment on them. As standard policy, it's okay to say "I like this, but you should look at...", or even plain out "I don't like this, terrible piece; here's some specifics of why."
The "ZOMG this is grat ive never read any better ur a gr8 wrtr have a nice day :) (Smile)" response is...Honestly, it makes me wonder if you even took the time to read the story.
If you like my writing, tell me why; if you like it but found typos and/or confusing bits (I know they're in there!), tell me so I can fix things! And if you don't like it at all, let me know what it was you didn't like so I don't write more of it!

Favourite Movies
Pixar & Dreamworks
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Two Steps From Hell, Audiomachine, Jo Blankenburg
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Hiking, biking, camping, acting
I saw a kid at work with a shirt proclaiming he was from a school for young writers. Stopped to talk to him, saying "You're a creative writer? Good for you. Go for it, and more power to you!" Afterwards, I felt that I should have given him some bit of advice or something, but didn't have anything to say at the time. So, here's what I should have said... If you want to be a writer, then write what you want to read. Write what inspires or excites you; take inspiration from your life, your interests, and anything that pulls at your heartstrings. Write what transforms you and makes you a better person. There may be some times when you have to work at a boring job so you can pay the bills. This can be a great source of inspiration by exposing you to other people and experiences, and giving time to let your ideas percolate and mature. Your artistic time will come. Keep writing, don't give up on that dream. The more you practice, the more your personal touch will shine out of your
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Coronavirus, AKA COVID-19, is out there, and spreading around the globe. So, these are a few health and safety reminders, to hopefully help slow the spread of disease, and to help keep you, your families, and everyone you come in contact with, safe and healthy. Share this around! WASH YOUR HANDS!! Hot water and antibacterial/antiseptic handsoap can go a LONG way in curtailing the spread of disease. You should wash your hands any time you return home, before eating anything, after using the bathroom, Etc. Another big point is to wash your hands after touching money, door handles, and anything else that other people touch frequently. Money i...
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Art Sale!!

0 min read
Hey all! My awesome girlfriend, @Cassybabyfur , has been buying Christmas gifts for a lot of folks, and as such she is trying to build up some funds for that. So, she is offering flat colored headshot icons at half the usual price, and plenty of other commissions besides! Go check out her pages https://www.deviantart.com/cassybabyfur/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cassybabyfur and her commission info, https://www.deviantart.com/cassybabyfur/art/Headshot-Sale-50-off-823668897 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33083225/ and get some great and cute art, maybe as a Christmas, Hannukkah, and-or New Year's present for someone you know! She also does art streams fairly regularly, so be sure and keep an eye out for those. She will announce them on her pages when she's doing them, and you can find those streams at https://picarto.tv/cassysdoodles Merry Christmas to all you folks, and go get yourself (or a friend or family member!) some cute art at great prices!!
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Profile Comments 997

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Many thanks for the many faves!:aww::boogie::dance::w00t::squee:

Thanks for the fav

Thanks for the fav

Happy Birthday. :D
Beach Cake with candles 50x50 icon 
Hi I hope your well. i just wanted to say i hope you have a awesome birthday so i just want to say this. but i did not know what else to say. but i wanted to wish you a great birthday,

i wish you a very Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very special day of your birth. I hope your in good health and have a merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANNY

ps. All so have a nice weekend and a nice day and relaxing evening I hope your Christmas went well. i hope it was good one to remember. i hope you enjoyed 2018 i wish you a awesome Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 19 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a very nice valentines and i hope the family is well. i also hope you had a nice Easter too. and a nice summer as well as a good fall. i hope you have a awesome end of 2019 and i hope it goes brilliant for you 2018 was a bit of disappointment for me so i hope 2019 will be the best yet i hope your xmas for 2020 and the new year to come will be a good one still if not the best or better than 2019. and i hope it goes great. have a great day have a nice day and nice evening and nice weekend thanks again best wishes and high regards danny
Thank you for the llama Yrucrem91 . Say are you a fan of anthros and furries? Well I got just the guy for you. His name is ANPCreations and he has done a few artworks. In fact he is open to commissions. Be sure to check out his gallery, you won't miss the furries, they are so magnificent.