Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
How to Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me, Toy Story 3 (2010 was a good year for animated films...), Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, Lilo and Stitch 2, The Social Network
Favourite TV Shows
Phineas and Ferb, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Gravity Falls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Green Day. I'd say many others, but my true knowledge of them and their music would raise doubt and accusations as to whether or not I am a 'true' fan, so Green Day is pretty much it.
Favourite Books
Really? I need to pick?
Favourite Writers
JK Rowling, John Green, Dan Brown, Robert Muchamore (I am actually just looking at my bookshelf right now)
Favourite Games
Tetris (although I suck), Coin Dozer (as boring as it is), "GUESS WHAT?", an array of virtual pet sites
Favourite Gaming Platform
The internet, because our family is too cheap to actually buy games for our Wii...
Tools of the Trade
Err... Google Docs, OpenOffice, GIMP, Paint.NET, Paint (yes, that thing people complain about), pencils, fineliners, paper, felt tips
Other Interests
Music, not so much listening. Actually, not so much playing either. I like composing in my head and then getting to the piano then working out the melody on my violin, followed by looking up how to play my guitar online