Current Residence: Toronto Favourite genre of music: real Favourite photographer: Josee Forget Favourite style of art: undecided Operating System: human brain MP3 player of choice: ipod Shell of choice: sea Wallpaper of choice: paint Skin of choice: soft Favourite cartoon character: batman Personal Quote: friends don't et friends
umm hey, i decided to try to explain a bit better what all the h.e. stuff is i am talking about so i decided i would share this little piece of writing in include with the shirts that i sell
thank you for having interest in human empire.
human empire is a non-profit organization that exchanges merchandise for funds which are put towards the betterment of other people. the funds received today will go towards supplying meals and new clothing to homeless men and women on the streets of Toronto also by purchasing a shirt today you will be supporting the growth of human empire. all items on sale today were bought from a thrift store, cleaned a