HELLLOOOO. I am me, me I am. I draw stuff, and am the main artist for Mikes Monkey, Team Time, Jungle Jeopardy and Baldy. Awesome cartonist, founder of wizzo!
Brilliant artist, very talented! :3
Awesome artist, fellow wizzo worker
Super artist, fellow wizzo worker
Very good artist, another wizzo worker! :3
Awesome brother and very talented comic cartoon artist! (wizzo)
Super duper manga artist!
Andy Fanton!
An awesome artist, super duper work!
Steve Beckett! :3
The Etherington brothers!
Jamie Smart! :3
Nigel Dobbyn!
Karl Dixon! :3
Dave Windett!
Lew Stringer!
Nik holmes
Hunt emerson!
Super duper cartoon/comic artist! :3
Favourite genre of music: indie rock, Alternative rock
Favourite photographer: My dad xD
Favourite style of art: British comic/cartoon (Beano Dandy Cor!)
Operating System: usually vista, but i prefer XP
MP3 player of choice: phone?
Favourite cartoon character: Dexter's laboratory