Young-Freddy's avatar


Josh Champion
14 Watchers64 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

HELLLOOOO. I am me, me I am. I draw stuff, and am the main artist for Mikes Monkey, Team Time, Jungle Jeopardy and Baldy.
:iconwizzkid97: Awesome cartonist, founder of wizzo!
:iconwizzjet: Brilliant artist, very talented! :3
:iconquickstuff: Awesome artist, fellow wizzo worker :P (Lick)
:iconjsb97: Super artist, fellow wizzo worker :D (Big Grin)
:iconpinkinfrench: Very good artist, another wizzo worker! :3
:iconold-freddy: Awesome brother and very talented comic cartoon artist! (wizzo)
:iconluke09878: Super duper manga artist! :D (Big Grin)
:iconthecarrottykid: Andy Fanton! :D (Big Grin)
:iconjayextee: An awesome artist, super duper work!
:iconsteve3po: Steve Beckett! :3
:iconetheringtonbrothers: The Etherington brothers! :P (Lick)
:iconicanseeyourmonkey: Jamie Smart! :3
:iconhandtoeye: Nigel Dobbyn! :) (Smile)
:icontoonart11: Karl Dixon! :3
:icond-m-w: Dave Windett! :P (Lick)
:iconlewstringer: Lew Stringer! :D (Big Grin)
:iconape74: Nik holmes :D (Big Grin)
:iconlargecow-comix: Hunt emerson! :) (Smile)
:icondr-watchamacallit: Super duper cartoon/comic artist! :3
:iconthe-wizzo-comic: Wizzo!

Favourite genre of music: indie rock, Alternative rock
Favourite photographer: My dad xD
Favourite style of art: British comic/cartoon (Beano Dandy Cor!)
Operating System: usually vista, but i prefer XP
MP3 player of choice: phone?
Favourite cartoon character: Dexter's laboratory

Favourite Visual Artist
either John Sherwood or Terry Bave
Favourite Movies
Pick of destiny!
Favourite TV Shows
Dexter's Laboratory - Not going out - Qi -
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
2 door cinema club - Everything Everything - Foals - Phoenix
Favourite Books
Beano, Dandy, Buster, W & C, Wizzo,
Favourite Writers
Rev. W. Awdry
Favourite Games
Grim Fandango
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Graphics tablet, laptop, pencil, eraser, sharpener, fineliner, fibre-tip, felt-tip
Other Interests
Animating, Cartooning

Stolen meme.

0 min read
- Name: Josh - Single or taken: Single - Sex: Male - Birthday: December 17th - Sign: Sagittarius (I think? xD) - Hair color: Dark blonde, brown, I have no Idea. - Eye color: Blue (I think :3) - Height: Don't ask xD - Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: StraightSpecifics - What kind of shampoo do you use?: Any that I can find... - What are you listening to right now?: Red sock pugie - Foals - Who is the last person that called you?: I have no idea, probably my dad xD - How many buddies are online right now?: Nobody xDFavorites - Animal: budgies or cats. - Color: Purple (But the blueish purple - the redish purple sucks mega bad) - Drink: Coffee ...
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I am sad to say that Edward Gould passed away at only 23 years old on Sunday 25th March 2012.He had been fighting a six year battle with leukemia, and only left us after going into hospital with a fever last week. I know that cancer is an incredibly terrible disease and in a lot of cases can be fatal, but I really expected Edd to pull through.Edd was an incredibly talented person, and although he was in the later stages of his life he had a great sense of humor and just wanted to see his fans happy.He was a great inspiration to me, and to may others. He will be sorely missed.I really know how hard it is when a loved one passes away before ...
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Links anyone?

0 min read
As many of you know, I have created a blog. Just wanted to ask something If you want your link at the side of my blog, can you create a 124x33 image to advertise your site plz? From Me.
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Profile Comments 70

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Are you still alive, Josh?
It's been so long since we last spoke and I have loads to tell you. :(
Thank you very much for the fav! In terms of camouflage, the suit makes the panda. ^__^
Thanks for the watch! :D
No problem, and thanks for the donation! :D
thanks for the fav :)
Thank you so very much for the fav!
Thank you very much for adding my little comic strip to your favourites! ^__^