Deinocheirusyoult on DeviantArt

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yoult's avatar




Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.
Can't sleep, Deinocheirus will eat me.

So Fanboys out there, who of you would have thought that out of all enigmatic Dinosaurs Deinocheirus would become the new Super-Predator? Feels like a giant Turkey making love with your childhood, right? Muahahahaha.

Edit: Now in colour.
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1024x849px 102.69 KB
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