YoSpeakUp on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yospeakup/art/Rex-Fives-and-Echo-878034592YoSpeakUp

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Rex Fives and Echo

Character  Captain RexCharacter  EchoCharacter  Fives


This is for an Instagram appreciation post to Dee Bradly Baker, celebrating the release of the Bad Batch on May 4th  thanking him for the impact he's had on many Star Wars fans for voicing the clone troopers. Rex, Fives and Echo especially mean a lot to me, seeing Rex's story as being captain of the 501st and how he views the clone wars was always so intereting to me. And seeing Fives and Echo's journey from cadets to rookies to troopers and finally Arc Troopers made me love them.
Image size
2700x2160px 5.65 MB
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Rex should have phase 1 armor lmao,

but nice job bro