Yoshi-Danny's avatar


Br-r-ring, PA!
27 Watchers31 Deviations
Just an FYI. I won't be reciprocating anymore Llama Badges. I'm getting a bit tired of being given a Llama badge when the person obviously only gave it to me in the hopes that I'll look at the art on their page. It's simply a cheap ploy to get people to your page and after doing it over and over and over for years I'm sick of it. At first I was glad to do it since I was getting something in return but now it's gotten a bit annoying so I'm not doing it anymore.

I'm not a content creator, so please don't give me anymore Llama badges since I'll assume you're doing it just to get views on your page. I'm not trying to be mean, this is just how I feel and I'm putting it out there. I'm mainly here to enjoy great artwork from the people I follow and respect here on DA, not to be a cheap source of views.

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What once was.

1 min read
What once was, shall never be again.
What once was, shall occur once again.
What once was, shall always be forgotten.
What once was, shall stain and linger.

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I'd like to see, either as a website or as an app for iphone/android/ipod touch a Majoras Mask Clock Timer.

The app counts down to the day and time you have set with the Moon from the game looming overhead as the timer goes down. When it gets to 3 Days before the deadline, it does the "Dawn of the 1st Day: 72 hours remain" notice from the game, except to be more appropriate it may be set from the day/night that you started it and say something along the lines of "Dawn/Night of the -- Day: ** Hours Remain" where ** is actually how many days you have left since you set it, then it would go by the half day system from the game where after 6am or 6pm it would change up to Day or Night.

Of course when you look at the app, you can see the moon slowly coming down as the deadline gets closer, the farther off the deadline the farther the moon is. The moon gets to be the size that it was in the game (which is still pretty freaking close) during the first day when it's 3 days before the deadline.

If you make the deadline, you can press an Ocarina of Time button saying that you did it in time and the moon is reset and not view-able until the next time you set a deadline.

If the deadline passes and you don't press the button, Clocktown is destroyed :P

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I think Sonic Team should focus on making games of the other characters and...ya know...actually try.
Think of it. Silver is a Psychic hedgehog from the future who can push, pull, bend and manipulate objects. He can also float himself in mid air and (I'm just adding this bit) possibly launch himself up into the air, like a psychically charged super jump. Maybe he can also read peoples minds? I don't know

Doesn't that sound like a great game design concept to you? Could create a new bad guy for him that's a robot or an actual evil animal critter. The fact that he's from the future could mean a futuristic landscape full of tall neon buildings, flying cars, etc.

Based on his personality I'd probably make him a police officer who is part of a unit.

Anyway, that's my thought on it. I like/am ok with the character and I like his design. It's just a shame to see such potential wasted.

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A competing company with ingen manages/managed to sneak dinosaur DNA off of the island and backwards engineered/studied/developed it on a mainland facility, breeding full sized dinosaurs in secret, in terrible living conditions, not even attempting to take the same security measures that InGen did in terms of the genetics. The dinosaurs eventually break out of the facility and within a few weeks to a month an epidemic begins. The dinosaurs start to breed and eat humans. The movie starts pretty much on the day an idiot does something stupid and the dinosaurs break out.

either that or some nut.

Will have all the usual dinosaurs from the movies and one spinosaurus running around and one other extra dinosaur that wasn't in the first 3 movies. Thinking Giganotosaurus or something else which would be bigger than the t-rex and rival the Spino in size. Could also have some weird experiement with the Velociraptors where one is genetically altered to have human intelligence and can understand english (basically an attempt to genetically develop intelect as something to sell later). Would lead to some tense, maybe odd, situations between humans and this one Raptor. Also due to this intelligence the Raptor could work with the humans in exchange for his freedom, or just be a major thorn in the humans side, killing and eating random humans as a result of his intelligence.

He's NOT a goofy animal sidekick!!

Journal Skin by Thewinator
Shell stocks by huomennastock, chop-stock and hatestock
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No more Llama Badges by Yoshi-Danny, journal

Majoras Mask Countdown Timer by Yoshi-Danny, journal

Make games based on other characters Sonic Team! by Yoshi-Danny, journal

Jurassic Park 4 Idea by Yoshi-Danny, journal

.:Stupid Gamer Logic:. by Yoshi-Danny, journal