Yoshermon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yoshermon/art/Foxy-Does-the-Hustle-gif-486724285Yoshermon

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Foxy Does the Hustle (gif)



In order to save Freddy Fazbear's Pizza from being shut down, Foxy performs his people's native dance.

This is a .gif from a video I made, which you can watch here! www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJv2Qw…

If you want a less bandwidth-hoggingly-gigantic version, go here.

It was surprisingly ridiculously hard figuring out a way to turn a selection from a video file I own into an animated gif. All the online converters either required a sketchy download or were crap quality, and I eventually just had to get a plugin for GIMP that read the frames from .MP4 files. It was worth it in the end, though!
Image size
1280x720px 62.71 MB
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