Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt AND I BURNED IT!
I'll fill this in when I come up with something I think appropriate or clever.... In the meantime, it's what I do...
Current Residence: The badlands between the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits
deviantWEAR sizing preference: What fits
Print preference: Sans Serif
Favourite genre of music: I have to pick?
Favourite photographer: The ones that take the cool piccies.
Favourite style of art: E: All of the above
Operating System: The 'O-N' button
MP3 player of choice: I don't think MPs want to be placed in cubes and rolled about...
Shell of choice: Anything with a thick enough mantle to carve.
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever is on my wall at the time.
Skin of choice: The one I have on.
Favourite cartoon character: Gertie the Dinosaur
Personal Quote: I have a pencil and I know how to use it.
Hi hi! Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Festival of Lights!
I've been busy with my version of physical therapy by weaving pot holders and making simple hooks. Eventually, I should have gained enough strength in my hand and arm to allow me to carve like I used to before my. "stroke". Doctors still don't know what happened and so they say it was a stroke like event. Regardless, I'm determined to claw my way out of this mess and make once again.