Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt AND I BURNED IT!
I'll fill this in when I come up with something I think appropriate or clever.... In the meantime, it's what I do...
Current Residence: The badlands between the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits
deviantWEAR sizing preference: What fits
Print preference: Sans Serif
Favourite genre of music: I have to pick?
Favourite photographer: The ones that take the cool piccies.
Favourite style of art: E: All of the above
Operating System: The 'O-N' button
MP3 player of choice: I don't think MPs want to be placed in cubes and rolled about...
Shell of choice: Anything with a thick enough mantle to carve.
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever is on my wall at the time.
Skin of choice: The one I have on.
Favourite cartoon character: Gertie the Dinosaur
Personal Quote: I have a pencil and I know how to use it.