Small and thin scar tutYokume on DeviantArt

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Small and thin scar tut



* Hopes it is in the right category + that the text is readable and the tutorial understandable * ><""

First tutorial ever. I admit that I am still a n00b when it comes to cosplay and makeup, but after a very boring day playing with my makeup I figured out this technique when it comes to scratches and small/thin scars that still are healing
* side-look to scars at legs after small accident * >>'

But oh well, I hope it is usefull and that you can understand what I mean, and what is written. Else fel free to ask me ^^,
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606x1692px 670.88 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Yokume
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RebelMyth's avatar
Great tutorial, will probably end up using this sooner or later.
Only thing I can suggest is use an easier to read, and larger, font. I find it rather difficult to read this font and the size doesn't help.
Other than that, it's well made! Good job!