Twilight - The Masked Matter Horn WallYo-Cosplay on DeviantArt

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Twilight - The Masked Matter Horn Wall



A wallpaper I did featuring Twilight Sparkle in the role of The Masked Matter Horn, a pony heroine capable of unleashing different kinds of energy such as ice (lol her coat of arms looks like a spaceship XDDD ).

With love, by Nature Wind. I love you all, fellow Bronies and Comrades!

Stock (c) it's owners. Original vector (c) BaroqueDavid WARNING, WARNING: Since it's original vector shouldn't be used for commercial purposes, the same rule applies to this wallpaper as well.
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro.
My Little Pony's original artwork (c) :iconfyre-flye: . Please visit her gallery and give her thanks for the awesomeness she unleashed.
Image size
2000x1200px 688.9 KB
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PascalMulokozi2's avatar

Fun Fact: Princess Twilight's EQG counterpart, Sci-Twi would later wear the costume in Movie Magic alongside her friends.