Deviation Actions
Badge Awards
"Tandis que sa soif de destruction et de vengeance croît au rythme de ses pouvoirs nécromantiques grandissants, Drazel arrive à Varaval à la tête d’une armée de plus de cinq cents âmes : humains tombés sous son emprise vampirique ou morts levés sur son passage et arrachés à la paix du tombeau."
"As her thirst for destruction and vengeance grows in step with her burgeoning necromantic powers, Drazel arrives in Varaval at the head of an army of over five hundred souls: humans fallen under her vampiric sway or the dead, torn from the peace of the grave along her path."
Version alternative/Alternate version:
Made with Daz Studio using:
- Hair: Karla hair for G8F
- Skin Textures : Ravna for G8F
- Outfit: BW Shadow Realm Outfit for G8F
- Orestes Iray HDRI Skydomes - Harvest Moon
- Forgotten Fane Environment and HDRI
- Kingdom Of Sylvandale Army Of The Dead
This is absolutely awesome! The composition, the details, the color scheme, the gorgeous and terrifying character . . . all fantastic.
I think I like the wider view better in this case. Although I usually prefer the camera to be zoomed in on the character, in this case I think the wider view conveys a more distant, otherworldly, and dominant presence. With less context in the close-up, it almost looks like she’s worried about her surroundings rather than in command. But on the other hand, giving this awesome character a little more of the frame isn’t exactly a bad thing, either, so it’s hard to say.