maybe I should say it moreYmia-the-cheetah on DeviantArt

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Ymia-the-cheetah's avatar

maybe I should say it more



but I can't express myself with words only  

pfffff a year sure seems to take long ;w; abit too long ;w; 
but still I have these fluthers in my stomach every time we talk and chat :iconblushplz: I love talking and stuff even when I shut down abit trying to find something to say to not sound weird/dorky or just stupid cause I don't know the words I'm tring to find. But still ;w; after almost a year of dealing with all my weirdness you still are there for me <3 you made my day brighter when I felt down and got me out of a mild depression ( Never told you that thought cause it was like semi on going from before we met) but I have never felt more happy and haven't fallen back in it again ever since <3 ^w^~ heheh   

anyways ~ I really can't wait till we meet <3 when ever that will be XD ( my mom was talking bout maybe going to America (probably the summer/september of 2015 or something like that) but I'm not promising anything ;w; but I'm surely saving up for it ^w^) 

eeeh :iconblushplz:  

any ways ~  

Image size
2592x1944px 2.22 MB
Shutter Speed
1/8 second
Focal Length
6 mm
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Date Taken
Sep 10, 2009, 9:43:41 AM
© 2013 - 2025 Ymia-the-cheetah
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adorable paiiirring u 2 awwwwwww Llama Emoji-62 (Rawr I'll get you) [V3] Llama Emoji-46 (This and That)