[EDIT] Gonna be clearin this place out

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Ylimegirl's avatar
I won't be deleting because I have a lot of old links to this place; I'll just be getting rid of my original content and putting it elsewhere, probably replacing it with bad stock photos and stuff instead. I dunno.

Anyways, I'd recommend everyone else check out this post about it and also crosscheck with the actual legit rules right here on this site.

EDIT: Okay this isn't true. Still want to try and get my shit onto neocities anyways, so look forward to that if you care, I guess. Clearout of art cancelled. (Though I already deleted some of my really old Trisected art anyways because that shit stank.)

Everything will be going on my neocities site eventually when I finish up with it. I'll probably be outta here by the end of the month. Thanks for the support till now.
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