Shu ~ Egyptian GodsYliade on DeviantArt

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Shu ~ Egyptian Gods


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Shu is a personification of wind and dry air. He is also the god of the space and light between the sky and the earth. He is the twin brother and the husband of Tefnut,  the goddess of moisture. He is sometimes represented with a lion head.
As Lord of the Atmosphere, it was Shu's duty to seperate his children: the sky (the goddess Nut) and the earth (Nut's husband, Geb). His eternal occupation was holding Nut up above Geb. It was said that if he ever was removed from his place, Chaos would come to the Universe.
The Greeks associated Shu with Atlas, the primordial Titan who held up the celestial spheres, as they are both depicted holding the sky.

Dot Bullet (AB Blue) - F2U! Adobe Illustrator Dot Bullet (AB Blue) - F2U! 

My Egyptian Gods series :…

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