Smile, survival girlsYgure on DeviantArt

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Smile, survival girls



SH-RE crossover picture. I know there are some characters I missed but I had to make a choose or I could have put around 30 girls there and...well..maybe it's too much lol
Anyway, say cheese!

Sherry Birkin model by a-m-b-e-r-w-o-l-f
Maria, Laura, and Angela models by HenryTausend
Heather Mason model by Mageflower
Rebecca Chambers model by Saskeni
Cybil Bennet and Lisa Garland models by Sora-no-Ki
Jill Valentine model by ItalianUtent
Claire CV model by EC

Alchemilla lobby by Mageflower

Silent Hill belongs to KONAMI
Resident Evil belongs to CAPCOM
Image size
1799x1047px 2.71 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Ygure
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MamaMangle's avatar
i looked at my ex gf's profile today on facebook. I've never seen this image of yours before, but this was on her profile uploaded by her boyfriend and I knew it was yours. instantly. so I came looking to make sure.. and I was right. I'm not happy that he took it and posted it elsewhere.. I dunno. :c