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UTAU Marc Adagio says Hi



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Introducing my new UTAU Marc Adagio (changed his last name to avoid confusions), and yes he has my voice, and no he's not a genderbend xD

he is a wizard woot xD oh and I changed his eyes from the original fushia (like Camila) to yellow to represent his obsession with cats and because I was getting a headache trying to come up with an explanation of why he had the same hair and eye color as Camila when they aren't really related xD (can't explain parentage w/o having either Camila or Marc be half something :'D which I DO NOT WANT)

Here is the parentage:
Camila & Camilo are distant cousins.
Camilo & Marc are cousins.
Camila & Marc are NOT really related but Camila thinks of him as a cousin.

Here are some fun facts xD:
Camila is a fairy.
Camilo is half fairy half wizard.
Marc is full wizard 8D.

drawing, character © me :iconyesi-chan:
Image size
600x800px 536.33 KB
© 2010 - 2024 yesi-chan
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YuueUtauloid's avatar
*O* lo ame!!!!! es mcho mas lindo qe camilo :3 (sin ofender ewe)